We can all take steps ourselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness when it occurs. Our website has been designed to promote self-care and you will find lots of self-help advice and signposting across the pages.
NHS Health A-Z provides useful information about common medical conditions.
Live Well provides advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.
Medicines A-Z provides accurate information about commonly used medicines.
The Care & Support Services Directory explains your where you can get support if you need help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability.
Self Referral
Our Self-Referral page provides the details of lots of local and national NHS services and charities who you can refer yourself to without the need to speak with a doctor or nurse.
Self Care Forum
The self-care forum is a national charity which aims to further the reach of self care and embed it into everyday life. They have created a series of helpful factsheets on some of the more common ailments as well as information on Covid-19 and Nutrition. You can access the factsheets by following the link below:
Patient.info – Health information you can trust
Patient.info is an online resource which provides trusted information on a variety of health and lifestyle topics.
Information is shared through a variety of leaflets, videos, articles and blogs.
There is also a handy online symptom checker.